The influence of sexuality and androgyny was a driving force in the creation of Antique Failure. As a queer artist surrounded by other incredible queer artists, it’s important to me to explore, celebrate, and shed light on my community. In my writing process I was glued to films like My Own Private Idaho and Brokeback Mountain. I also listened to bands like Placebo and Against Me! religiously.
There’s something about great punk and alternative music that feels so heavily celebratory in terms of sexuality. In a longer script, Collin and Roman would have consummated their love after an intense, passionate concert scene. From the beginning, I knew Roman had to be a musician, and Collin had to love music.
Collin’s character came from a lot of very personal brackets in my life. As a young queer adult facing worldly uncertainty myself, I invented Collin as a breaking point for my own fear and insecurity. Collin’s own struggle isn’t entirely about being gay - it’s about universal fears and truths. What if I never find acceptance? What if I’m despised for being true to myself? What if I regret the decisions I make in my youth for the rest of my life?
My message as a filmmaker is to relate queer stories universally. Queer people don’t exist in a vacuum entirely dependent on their sexuality. We have fears, visions, goals, and life, all outside of our sexual and gender identities - however, we are not ourselves without them. Our queerness is central, and our need to be understood is universal.
Collin and Roman will always remain dear to my heart. If given the opportunity, I’d like to expand their story into a feature, following Collin in present day as an older, married man, reconciling with his lost love, a life full of regrets, and learning how to move forward - right on the precipice of Roman coming back to fulfill his promise.
There’s something about great punk and alternative music that feels so heavily celebratory in terms of sexuality. In a longer script, Collin and Roman would have consummated their love after an intense, passionate concert scene. From the beginning, I knew Roman had to be a musician, and Collin had to love music.
Collin’s character came from a lot of very personal brackets in my life. As a young queer adult facing worldly uncertainty myself, I invented Collin as a breaking point for my own fear and insecurity. Collin’s own struggle isn’t entirely about being gay - it’s about universal fears and truths. What if I never find acceptance? What if I’m despised for being true to myself? What if I regret the decisions I make in my youth for the rest of my life?
My message as a filmmaker is to relate queer stories universally. Queer people don’t exist in a vacuum entirely dependent on their sexuality. We have fears, visions, goals, and life, all outside of our sexual and gender identities - however, we are not ourselves without them. Our queerness is central, and our need to be understood is universal.
Collin and Roman will always remain dear to my heart. If given the opportunity, I’d like to expand their story into a feature, following Collin in present day as an older, married man, reconciling with his lost love, a life full of regrets, and learning how to move forward - right on the precipice of Roman coming back to fulfill his promise.
I hope Antique Failure inspires people. Life is short, too short to focus on anything but who and what you love.
This film is dedicated every queer powerhouse I’ve ever met.
I love you. Thank you.
I love you. Thank you.
- Carter Cavanaugh

Cast and Crew of Antique Failure.
March 1, 2020.
March 1, 2020.